Competition Ranking


Updated 1/13/2025

Disclaimer: Competitions with a higher standard error would indicate a high variance in rankings and scores may include individual submission bias. 

MHP presents a homebrew competition ranking system, determined by the competitors.  Minimum reuirements for inclusion in the ranking are that at least 5 surveys must be submitted, they must be from entrants not affiliated with the competiiton, and the results must have a standard error of less than 5. 

 Competitions will be assigned points out of a maximum possible 100  score. Competitions will be assessed as Best in class, Excellent (>P90), Great (>P70), Average (>P40), Below Average (>P20),  Poor (<P20), and Worst in Class. This ranking system is based upon the assessment of the quality a competition offers to the entrants within the following 10 criteria. 

Each area of assessment is weighted based upon a paired comparison analysis of the 10 criteria performed by the board of the MHP. A full set of scoring criteria is described here.  

Note: This ranking system is currently in beta and is under development/evolution.  We would appreciate any feedback you may have by emailing masterhomebrewerprogram AT gmail DOT com.

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