2024 Circuit of America
(Competitions and Rules)
Complete Rules
An "entrant" is defined as “the individual, group of individuals, or brewing team that is listed with the entry per published competition results.” The entrant will be recorded in CoA rankings according to the specific spelling and sequence of the team/brewer names that are entered into registration platform and ultimately published by the competition.
Note: take caution as the following are unique entrants for the purposes of assigning CoA points according to the above rule
Jon and Jane Doe
Jon Doe with Co-brewer Jane Doe
Jane and Jon Doe
Jane Doe with Co-brewer Jon Doe
all the above with the use of all permutations of Jonathan vs Jon
An entrant has the right to petition the MHP/CoA Board for clarification or modification of recorded results. For such a petition to be reviewed, the Board must receive the petition from the entrant no later than 30 days after the date of publishing of the competition results. The MHP/CoA Board will complete review of the petition and inform the entrant of approval/denial of the request within 30 days from the date of receipt of the petition.
Entrants who participate in competitions under multiple club affiliations are not eligible to move points from one club to another. Club points shall be assigned to the club represented in the specific competition results.
Competitions not announcing entries per category will be awarded 0.9/0.8/0.7 points for 1st/2nd/3rd place winner. Membership will not be required to earn awards for the Circuit of America.
Results will be published at the end of each calendar month on this page.
The following criteria is used for selection of competitions into the MHP Circuit of America
The competition must be located in the United States.
The competition must historically have 300 or more entries with exclusion of the mead/cider only competitions.
Competitions should be located a minimum of 150 miles apart unless a state border is between. Shorter distances will be allowed for major metropolises.
There is a limit of 50 competitions (correlating to the number of states) maximum that could be included into the program.
The competition shall be judged to BJCP requirements.
The competition must accept external and shipped entries.
The competition shall have at least a 5 year history of continual operation (barring covid delays).
Any competition that meets the above criteria may petition to be added to the program.
Any competition not meeting the above criteria may be considered on a case by case basis.
MHP reserves the right to remove competitions at its own discretion.
The top 5 scoring entries from each entrant in each competition will earn points which will be calculated based upon the following formula: